Thursday, November 5, 2009

creativity limited within a box

I remember those times..those times where creativity took the best of me..I would drown my self with endless amount of colors, I adored drawing...i adored making, creating and constructing..Ideas would come to me and all i had to do was put them in motion. I adored writing poems, i wrote some of the best sorrow and pain would be translated into flawless and beatiful words...My sorrows and pain were something that shouldn't have been endured yet when i put them in the form of a poem it sounded so beaitufl that it was heart breaking..BUT now, i seem to struggle to put words in a form of a poem..perhaps its because i am no longer drowning in pain, suffering in sorrows.

so the question is..
can i not go out of my boundaries if im not hurt emotionally?
am i trapped within a box if i endure no pain?
can i not translate my moment of sanity into words that sound flawless and inspirational?
must my heart ache for me to push myself?

my goal is to answer these questions.
my goal is to be creative in any type of emotion!

heres to a new new beginning

i have an assignment to do for class..
its more like a journal sort of assignment..
what better way to use my virtual journal as a leading source
for my assignment..

this has worked out even better then i thought!

Oh diary, i shall pour everything out to you and share everything with you
i shall not hide a thing because as of this day forward, we have begun a relstionship!

fall backwards

the sound of the soft breeze..
the blue of the sky..
the fireworks of colours that fall from the trees..
the warmth of my body under many layers..

to me, this is fall

Friday, October 23, 2009

to a new virtual beginning

happy birthday to my very own virtual santuary.
the purpose for the birth of my safe haven is to write down
reflections. I already share everything with my boyfriend,
but its nice to have it actually written down so I can look back
on it and of course, reflect. This is my new santuary, my safe haven.

Heres to a new beginning, cheers!